Jennifer Bridge Photography

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Our Love Story, Part 1: Middle School

In honor of Valentine's Day, I wanted to share my own personal love story.  My husband Adam and I have been married for 10 years, dated for 6 prior to that, and actually met way back in middle school. 

We've known each other longer than we haven't and even after all this time, I still have a crush on him.  And since we have a long history, I decided to tell our story in 3 parts. 

My hope is that you enjoy reading our little love story and laugh a little while making your way through the years with us.

Part 1: Middle School

I saw him walking down the hall of our crowded middle school, shaved head, flannel, and skateboard tucked under his arm.  He was laughing with his friends. I was instantly drawn to his big toothy smile. For a few days, I tried my best to figure out his schedule, hoping that I would catch sight of him. He was pretty easy to spot though, already over 6 feet tall in the 7th grade and me, a mere 4’ 11 & ¾”.  One day I saw him talking to some mutual friends. Bingo! This was my in… So I did what any middle school girl with a crush would do… I enlisted the help of said friends and started making a plan!

There was so much to do… First on the list- find out his name.  Second- figure out how to get an introduction.  Third- act cooler than I was so that if we did meet, he couldn’t help but like me.  Fourth--and this was the hardest of all-- get him to break up with his girlfriend.  Yikes!  I know!?! Terrible right?  But we were in middle school after all so being immature was totally acceptable. 

After a couple of weeks in planning mode, I finally got up the courage to meet him in person.  My friend was having a birthday party on a Friday night so I had our mutual friend invite him along.  My plan was to get his attention at the party and befriend him… and act super cool right?  Pause- To my friends who knew me back then, I’m sure you’re laughing hysterically right about now because you know-- I. Was. Not. Cool. 

Picture awkward, ill fitting basketball jerseys over T-shirts, Adidas sandals and tube socks, scrunchies...those were all ‘in’ at the time by the way...  I had pale skin, red hair and freckles (before it was cool), zero successful conversations with boys under my belt and people always teased me about my laugh (I still don’t understand that one).  If you were to poll the entire student body as to whether or not my plan would work, I’m sure everyone would’ve answered NO by a landslide.

But alas… I wouldn’t be here telling you this story if they were all right.  And thank God they weren’t. 

That Friday night birthday party ended up being a total victory.  I don’t know how, but Adam was actually in to me.  We hit it off right away.  We flirted, laughed, jumped on the tramp together, exchanged numbers and he even showed me how to ride his skateboard.  The next day we talked on the phone for hours.  Through the weekend we remained ‘just friends’.

Monday morning rolled around and news was all over the school that he had broken up with his girlfriend.  It was also news to me… I mean I was excited and all  but then incredibly nervous because I didn’t want any trouble.  And if he broke up with his girlfriend because of me, then chances were he was going to ask me out… and I had no idea how to be a girlfriend.  Remember, we are talking about totally awkward middle school Jenn.

By some stroke of luck, that afternoon he asked me out and we were boyfriend and girlfriend. I was over the moon.  We held hands, talked on the phone constantly, made every effort to hang out… even rode our bikes across town to meet up.  One time we got called to the principal’s office for PDA (Public Display of Affection) for holding hands at a school play.  Adam’s mom worked at our school as the counseling office secretary and this was not a shining moment for her.  And I was definitely not on her list of favorite people. In addition, I happened to be her office aid so I had to sit directly across from her after the trip to the principal’s office knowing full well that she knew what had happened. Totally embarrassing. Of course, back then I had no idea she’d someday be my mother in law.

Summer came and we were a couple of inseparable 13 year olds. If emojis had existed back then, I was all heart eyes!!

But guys… we were in middle school!  By late June we broke up.  Adam called me up and told me that he wanted to break up because he needed guy time with his friends.  You know, to skateboard and play video games without having to call and check in with his girlfriend. 

You might think that this crushed me.  Actually, I was totally fine.  I don’t even remember crying.  It was as if I knew that no matter what our relationship status was, we were friends and that part wasn’t going to change.  And I was right.

I still really liked him (obviously) and we stayed good friends for a while.  As time went on though, we lost touch and I only saw him in the halls of our high school on occasion.  I missed him and thought of him often.  Even when I dated other guys and especially when I knew he was dating other girls.

On a warm September day of my senior year of high school, I saw him standing in the corner of our crowded hallway.  He was somehow taller.  And now he had a mohawk and a studded vest… I was done for.

Tune in next week for part 2!

Now don't laugh... these are the only middle school photos I could find!  Next week's post will have more from the high school years.

Ugh... see?? So awkward.  Khaki shortalls? WTH.  It was 1998 so yeah...that's how we dressed.

Adam jumping on the tramp at the Friday night birthday party--our mutual friend to the right.  Adam wore that flannel like everyday and we still have it!!