Jennifer Bridge Photography

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Hello World, I'm Charley! | Newborn Shoot, Longmont, CO

There is something about a fresh baby that just sets my little heart on fire. I LOVE babies. I love holding them, smelling them, listening to them. I love watching their mamas snuggle them so close and calm them down by nursing or swaying around gently whispering. I love when dad holds that sweet baby in such a strong and protective way that your heart melts all over the place. And when a big brother can’t help but give his new baby sister dozens of little kisses...It’s magical.  Babies are just so good at making everyone feel the love.

I was so fortunate to be invited in to the home of Ashley and Jonathan to help welcome their second baby, Miss Charley Ann! Their oldest child, Myles, welcomed me when I arrived by coming out on to the front porch and walking me in! It was so cute! He’s only 3 so I was floored by his gregariousness… a boy after my own heart! We chatted about the trucks and golf clubs he was playing with and he showed me in to meet his baby sister. After saying hello to the rest of the family, I dove right in to the good stuff! Snuggling Miss Charley and dressing her up in the most adorable headbands and outfits for her big photo shoot! Ashley has amazing taste and put together the cutest little outfits… even Myles enjoyed trying on the headbands!

Miss Charley was very agreeable and allowed me to take a bajillion photos of her all afternoon. We stopped for a couple of nursing breaks and for mom to get a snack (we all know how that is!) I love to just sit back and let these type of in home sessions unfold naturally. It is a delicate time when everyone is adjusting and getting to know each other so I try not to push in any particular direction. It allows the family to enjoy each others company while I document their experience with welcoming a new baby. It is something I deeply enjoy and get a great sense of gratification from. I can be creative and capture life as it is, rather than what I think it should be. And there is so much beauty in that simplicity.

If you or someone you know is expecting a baby, please reach out! I’d love to document your story!