Maternity Milk Bath Session | Longmont, CO

When Kim first asked me about doing a milk bath maternity session, I had my reservations. First off, I had a big obstacle… I had to find a bathtub to shoot in! I had also never done one of these before and my only real experience with them was admiring the beautiful images I had seen on Pinterest. I honestly hadn’t really ever considered organizing one of my own. I also didn’t know how I even felt about them. So you can see why I was a little weary. However, I am a firm believer in trying new things and I am a bit of a challenge junky.

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Hunter Family Photo Shoot--Longmont, CO

Mother’s Day is this Sunday and I couldn’t have had a better reminder of why this day is so important to all the moms out there. My friend Bethany recently gave birth to her fourth son, Beckham. She wanted to get new photos with the newest member of the Hunter clan so we met on Sunday to make it happen! I really enjoyed our time together. I mean how could you not… 3 rambunctious happy boys, a mom and dad who still affectionately love on each other in spite of the chaos of raising kids and a fresh new baby boy that everyone in the family just adores. My little photographer heart was on fire.

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Their story is actually quite powerful and a good lesson that none of us have any control and are at the mercy of a much bigger plan. Bethany and Blais had three boys (Jamin, Blais jr and Kohen) all really close together. They are all in elementary/middle school now. Their life was pretty far removed from those early days of babies and toddlers… some might say they were in an easier phase of life where they didn’t have to worry about feeding schedules, naps or diaper bags. They could just pack up and go. But life, as it often does, threw them a curve ball.

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Last summer, Bethany found out that she was expecting. It came as a big surprise to everyone and even though it wasn’t a part of the plan, it was still very exciting! She lived through everyone asking her, “don’t you hope it’s a girl this time?” And, “Woah, another baby?” And all of those other strange and judgemental questions we ask pregnant women (that’s a whole blog post on its own!) She found out pretty early on that it was in fact another boy. I asked the brothers if they wanted a sister and they all emphatically agreed, “No! We were excited we were getting a brother because we can teach him hockey!” Ha! Boys are fun.

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Bethany and Blais have such a patient, kind and relaxed disposition. Life has thrown a lot at them. In fact, Beckham was born really early at 31 weeks. He had to stay in the NICU for a few weeks and Bethany and Blais had to make the trip down to Denver daily to see him. You can imagine the strength it took to get through those emotional and exhausting first weeks of their baby’s life. But now look… he’s so healthy and plump and perfect in every way! This little bonus baby was so lucky to have been born into this loving home.

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Mother’s Day is a perfect reminder that what moms go through to bring little ones into this world is nothing short of amazing. Then comes the hard part. The actual raising of children is by far the greatest challenge I personally have endured and I think most parents would agree. It is the days, weeks, months and years following the birth of your child that are the hardest. We need a special reminder that we are loved by all of these little humans that depend on us each day. My hope is that these five boys do something extra special for their mama this year because she is so deserving.

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Wishing all of the moms out there a most wonderful Mother’s Day! Cheers friends!

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Mother's Day Mini Sessions at Ollin Farms--Longmont, CO

Mother's Day mini sessions at Ollin Farms in Longmont, CO were a big hit! Six families joined me for a beautiful day on the farm. The weather was perfect, the grass was green and there were plenty of genuinely happy people!

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